Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"The Bigger the Hair, the Smaller the Hips"

There are two, major hair trends that were a staple of the 80s:
1) The Big, Hairsprayed, Teased Look
2) The Greasy, Shiny, Hair

These two, extremely different hairstyles were regrettably, some of the most popular things to do “back in the day.”

A can of hairspray a day will make your hair stay, forever. In all seriousness, how long did it take for some of those girls to wash out and comb through their teased and unruly hair? Not only would you be brushing your hair for hours, you would get a headache that would last for days! I totally understand that, at the time, it was just the way they did their hair. Those poor girls and boys didn’t know any better. They didn’t know that the constant use of hairspray and backcombing would cause their hair to break off and split. A good comparison to this poor treatment of one’s hair is kind of like smoking cigarettes. At the time, the kids didn’t know that it could cause cancer. So, by using excessive amounts of hairspray and teasing your hair today is your own fault because you should know better. 

   Going from one extreme to the next, I’m going to talk about the greasy, shiny look. I think if I had to choose between stiff, tangled hair or smoothed down, oily hair I’d have to say that I would pick the oily hair. This will probably be the only time that gross, oily hair that has been infused with grease will ever win any sort of competition.

The product “SoulGlo” was brought to my attention by the movie Coming to America. Now, this hair product literally looks like somebody put straight olive oil into a spray bottle. I can see some of the benefits it might offer someone with a dry scalp, but that stuff would get messy! If you are using this product, just don’t rest your head on any surface unless you want the whole world to know you were there.

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