Saturday, November 27, 2010

Parachute Pants Are Not For Wearing

Yeah, you can’t touch MC Hammer but please don’t even think about touching his pants either! Baggy parachute pants were worn in the late 80s and were made for break dancers so they could decrease friction with the dance floor and perform fast and intricate routines without putting any wear in their clothing. Sure, break dancing may be hard and could be a little bit painful, but I think wearing those pants out in public would be even more painful. I guess back then break dancers had an excuse to wear them (I’m still not condoning break dancers to wear these awful pants), but no one else has any excuse to wear them at all! 

   I feel like if a break dancer was wearing those pants, or if anyone was dancing in those pants, they would do more harm than good! I can image people tripping over themselves or someone in the crowd getting serious whiplash from a fast-paced break dancer.

Besides being possibly dangerous, parachute pants have to be one of the most, least flattering pieces of clothing. They don’t do anything for anyone’s body! They give you no shape whatsoever and they make you look huge! I have no idea why anyone would wear these today. Sadly, there have been models on the runway displaying this style. Honestly, if people know what is good for them they will realize that these pants were not made for wearing, they were made for extreme situations like falling out of an airplane.

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